MOHS Workplace Health


Online marketing campaign goes live!

MOHS embarks on first ever online marketing campaign to raise brand profile among its target sectors MOHS creates its first ever online marketing e-shot to target new clients. MOHS Workplace – A provider you can …

Beware the travel bug you don’t want to catch

Despite advances in modern medicine, today’s traveller still runs the gauntlet of several life threatening diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever, when travelling to certain parts of the world. Malaria, a mosquito borne infectious …

Client Services Forum

The 2nd annual client services forum on Friday 15th May 2015. MOHS Workplace Health is more than just an occupational health provider. Here’s a great opportunity to find about more about our services. MOHS Workplace …

Avoiding costly sickness absence

The biggest asset to an organisation is its employees – staff can make or break a business – so having employees off sick is both costly and detrimental. Sickness absence costs the economy £14 billion …

Prostate Cancer – a Shot at Taboo

Our monthly newsletter (March 2019) modified for the blog. Ovarian & prostate cancer month, March 1-31st: recap Prostate cancer has been the elephant in the room for men for generations. Now, with household names like …

Health risks of being a construction worker

Every year, more working days are lost to work related illnesses compared to injuries – despite improvements to reduce the number and rate of illnesses in the construction industry. In part one of this two …
