Charitable status
MOHS Workplace Health has been a charity since its inception in 1962 and as such, we abide by the rules and regulations of the Charities Commission. Our registered charity number is 230407.
Our charitable purpose is the advancement of physical and moral welfare by the prevention and cure of occupational disease and injuries, combined with the promotion of the general health of workers in the population.
As a charity, we are continually investing in research, investigation and teaching, relating to the causes of occupational diseases and injuries as a means of promoting occupational and environmental health.
Any surplus income is reinvested into our business to allow continual development and service improvement. We have no shareholders and MOHS’ board of trustees all offer their time voluntarily, having had experience in occupational health services either from a senior level as an employee or as a service user.
Students and trainees from public sector occupational health providers are invited to the company on workplace visits to enable them to gain first-hand experience of a leading provider of workplace health services to companies across the UK.
Students studying for their A levels wishing to follow a career in medicine have the opportunity to shadow our occupational health practitioners during clinics to gain relevant work experience required for entry to medical school.