MOHS Workplace Health


Benefits of an Occupational Health Programme

Organisations have a legal duty to look after employees whilst they are at work and there are many benefits from investing in their health, safety wellbeing. Employees are arguably the most important asset of an …

Workplace stress – a myth or reality

‘Workplace stress’ is a phrase frequently used to described the negative elements that can make our places of work unpleasant and difficult environments. It may surprise many people to know that ‘stress’ is not a …

Being in control helps overcome stress

‘Workplace stress’ is frequently used to describe the negative elements that can make our places of work unpleasant and difficult environments. Stress is the body’s response to a threat or challenge, with the main psychological …

Simple ways to tackle workplace stress

Stress is the body’s response to a threat or challenge, with the main psychological response being anxiety. So how do we deal with effectively with anxiety? We need to recognise that mild to moderate anxiety …
