Workplace medicals play a crucial role in safeguarding the health and safety of employees, ensuring regulatory compliance and promoting a productive and healthy work environment. At MOHS we offer a range of different medicals that are delivered by our experienced clinical team.

Below are the medicals we provide and what they involve:

Statutory medicals


Employers have a legal duty to ensure employees exposed to asbestos products are under medical surveillance by a HSE appointed doctor. Our qualified Physicians are equipped to provide medical surveillance to any exposed workers, including lung function tests and thorough investigation. Asbestos Medicals can be either licenced or non-licenced – MOHS can guide you through the process. The HSE collects information annually for licensed asbestos workers. They do not collect information for non-licenced medicals.

Blood lead

Blood lead testing, as defined by CLAW Regulations 2002 and any additional requirements designated by an Occupational Health Physician. Blood tests are carried out by HSE approved laboratories and appointed doctors (occupational health physicians). The blood tests are repeated based on HSE guidelines and advice is provided by the Physician. The HSE collects information annually.

Radiation/Ionising review

All classified ionising radiation workers (Ionising Radiation Regulations 2017) should have an appointed doctor (Occupational Health Physician) to conduct health surveillance – this should be carried out before an employee is designated as a classified person and their health should be reviewed periodically following this. The HSE collects information annually.

Recommended medicals

Executive medicals

Executive medicals provide an individual with a detailed picture of their physical health – whilst this information is not shared with the employer, employers organise these medicals for their key personnel. The assessment includes an executive health questionnaire, full clinical examination and personal health assessment, resting ECG, urinalysis, height, weight, body mass index, audiometry, keystone vision screen, spirometry, blood tests, Prostate Specific Antigen and TSH (thyroid test).

A full written report is e-mailed together with a copy of the blood results, for them to pass on to their GP if required.

Food handler

A medical to assess an employee’s fitness to handle food. New starters are reassessed annually, as well as following absence for infection, illness or return from visits abroad. Some clients may have their own assessment forms

General medical

General medical assessments are useful for identifying health issues at an early stage for prompt intervention. They are particularly useful for businesses with an ageing workforce.

HGV/LGV/PCV driver medicals

Driver medicals are assessed according to the DVLA guidelines for different classes of drivers including drivers with passengers (buses and coaches). We also provide driver medicals for schools. Medicals are conducted by an Occupational Health Physician. Recalls are decided by the guidelines and employers sometimes ask for more regular reviews/recalls.

Forklift truck/overhead crane operator medical

A tailored assessment evaluating an employee’s fitness to operate lift trucks and cranes in accordance with DVLA category B licencing guidelines. Clients can either have 5 yearly assessments or 3 yearly until age 65, where assessments are then yearly.

New starter

A general medical tailored to the employee’s job description. The new starter is followed up every three years, or as dictated by industry best practices.

Night worker/shift worker

A paper based assessment to determine fitness to work, in line with Working Time Regulations 1998. New starters are followed up annually.

Oil and gas

UK Oil and Gas medicals are performed by an approved doctor. The medicals ensure it is safe to work in an offshore installation/environment.

Safety critical worker medical

Some workers have jobs that pose a significant risk to the safety of themselves and those around them, where one lapse in judgement could lead to catastrophic consequences. Safety Critical Medicals assess the physical and mental capability of these workers to ensure they can perform their tasks safely and effectively.

Annual tests include 4 assessments, respiratory health, skin, hearing and HAVS. The following reviews take place every 3 years (sometimes more often): blood pressure, visual acuity (sight), colour perception, psychological and mental health, urinalysis (urine test), mobility and coordination (musculoskeletal) checks.

Working at height

Where employees are working at height, we suggest a medical to ensure they do not present a risk to themselves or others. Some examples of these kinds of workers include telecommunication tower workers, electricians, construction workers and window cleaners.

Working in confined spaces

For employees likely to work within confined spaces, we recommend a medical to ensure they are unlikely to suffer sudden illness or be vulnerable to their work conditions. In particular we focus on employees who could work in any of the following: chamber, tank, vat, silo, pit, trench, pipe, sewer, flue or well.

How to book a medical

Contact us via email: or phone: 0121 601 4041 to find out more and book medical assessments for your organisation.

Why choose MOHS?

We focus on identifying and preventing health issues, restoring good health and promoting wellbeing in the workplace through our extensive range of market leading services.