DurationBespoke: tailored to your needs
Cost£475 + VAT per day (pro rata)
DatesAs required

Our team of health & safety advisors can help organisations complete their own risk assessments. However, they cannot carry out corporate risk assessments themselves.


Course overview

Our team of experienced health & safety advisors can help organisations complete their own risk assessments. We’ll provide the advice and insight you need to ensure that your risk assessment process is:

  • compliant,
  • applicable, and
  • workable.

We truly understand what a new risk assessment involves, including what undertaking one means for the business and the people within it.

No one likes change, especially legislative change they have limited control over. We can help individuals appointed to do the exercise breach any barriers they may face from within and outside the company.

If necessary, we could also attend interdepartmental meetings, should you feel it a necessary step. Our experience and expertise can help smooth the process and provide critical guidance on a one-to-one basis.

Our service can also help with requirements from external bodies, such as:

  • insurance companies,
  • legislative regulators, and
  • customers.

The cost of our risk assessment guidance is £475 + VAT per day (pro rata). We’d do everything possible to fit in with your schedule, existing commitments notwithstanding.


Course dates 2025

Please email training@mohs.co.uk for more information about our risk assessment guidance service.