Oil & gas UK medicals with shoulder measurements

MOHS provides the medical assessments required by the oil & gas industry to ensure an individual’s fitness to work in a specialist environment.

We have two accredited doctors available Monday to Friday at our medical centre in West Bromwich. Appointments can be made within five working days.

Proof of identity will be required.

A comprehensive range of standard testing is available including:

  • completion of patient questionnaire
  • full clinical examination
  • urinalysis – routine urine test with immediate result
  • BMI – measurement of height, weight and calculation of Body Mass Index
  • rear distance and colour vision
  • lung function test (peak flow)
  • audio (hearing test)
  • consultation with the doctor

Drug & alcohol testing is also available as part of the medical, for an extra charge, if required.

Once completed, results are generally available following the appointment, or can be sent by email, post or fax to any location.

We can also provide re assessment following absence due to illness or injury (this does not automatically involve a medical examination).

In addition, MOHS can provide relevant travel medicals, including vaccinations and advice for personnel working overseas.

If you would further information on these and our other services, please contact us.

A satisfactory offshore medical certificate is valid for two years.

NB: new CAA regulations require helicopter passengers flying offshore to be measured to ensure that they are sitting in the correct seat.

MOHS is now accredited to provide these measurements. Click here to read about the new Step Change in Safety requirements.