Stress management and emotional resilience training

Being under pressure at work for short periods is normal and may even help overall performance.

But if employees experience too much pressure and start feeling unable to cope, the resulting stress can cause ill health.

Our workshops provide employees at all levels with the skills and knowledge to manage stress to achieve resilience and attain mental and physical wellbeing.

In addition to the training sessions outlined below, we can create bespoke programmes to meet the specific needs of your organisation.

All these courses can be delivered at MOHS’ training facility or inhouse at the client’s premises and are customised to the organisation’s ethos, policies and procedures.

Employers are also required by law to assess the risk of stress related ill health arising from work activities and to take action to control that risk.

We can also provide risk assessments for stress based on your organisation’s wellbeing / stress management policies.

Our workshops include:

For further information on the above courses or to book a place, please email or call 0121 601 4041.