Holistic therapies

Mental and emotional stress can have a physical impact on the body, often resulting in aches and pains, headaches and other symptoms.

If left untreated, these symptoms may result in more serious conditions.

Holistic therapies focus on balancing a person’s overall wellbeing – the mind, body and spirit – to help optimise health.

Benefits of holistic techniques include relief from tension, stress and anxiety, improved circulation, greater relaxation, increased suppleness and feelings of calm.

We offer the following holistic therapies:

  • relexology
  • reiki
  • pilates
  • yoga
  • t’ai chi

Therapies such as pilates, yoga and t’ai chi can provide great benefits to employees by offering effective ways to relieve tension, tone muscles, improve concentration and reduce stress, which can help prevent common work ailments such as neck, back and shoulder aches and RSI.

Organisations wanting to book a treatment on behalf of their employees, please email info@mohs.co.uk
or call 0121 601 4041.