DurationDepends on requirement
CostStarts from £300 + VAT, including bespoke report
DatesAs required

These assessments are for employees with musculoskeletal disorders, existing medical conditions, disabilities or specific requirements such as reduced mobility or age related conditions eg arthritis

These assessments are designed to offer employers practical and cost effective solutions to ergonomic problems and can also be used to help people returing to work following extended absence.


Course overview

Ergonomic assessments are suitable for employees with musculoskeletal disorders, existing medical conditions, disabilities or specific requirements such as reduced mobility or age related conditions, eg arthritis.

These assessments can also be used to help people returning to work following an extended absence.

The individual is assessed to ascertain their requirements, which includes discussing any work related issues and observations of their workstation and tasks performed.

Following the assessment, a report is prepared identifying legal requirements and recommending appropriate adjustments such as suitable equipment, postural changes and task design and, where appropriate, equipment suppliers.

An ergonomic assessment, plus bespoke report, can cost between £300 – £500 + VAT, depending on the complexity of the case.

Prior to the visit, our assessors will endeavour to establish the nature of the issues to determine the level of work required.

MOHS offers the following ergonomic assessments:

  • Age related assessments –to enable older workers to function effectively, it is vital to understand how they work, both physiologically and psychologically.

By ensuring the work is designed to fit the employee and their physical and mental capabilities, age should not be a barrier to continued working.

New technologies and innovative work practices can be harnessed to support older workers and may include adaptations to equipment and to the workplace.

Special attention is given to tasks that may be physically demanding or in challenging environments.

  • DSE (display screen equipment) workstation assessments– using a computer for long periods, with incorrect posture or poorly positioned equipment, may cause musculoskeletal injuries and aggravate existing medical conditions.

All aspects of the workstation and tasks are considered.

Changes can be made immediately following the assessment, including advice on posture and body use.

We can provide a three hour group session for up to 12 delegates to advise on all aspects of DSE workstation requirements. Cost is £310 + VAT.

  • Vehicle assessments– the vehicle is assessed to determine its suitability for the driver and intended tasks. This may include seated driving position, ease of access, operation of controls and loading.
  • Workplace assessments– these assessments offer practical and cost effective solutions to ergonomic problems and workplace injuries and provide advice on legal compliance, regulation and good practice.

For further information contact Glen Musgrove on 0121 601 4041 / glenmusgrove@mohs.co.uk


Course dates 2025

For more information about assessments, please email Michelle Nicholls on michellenicholls@mohs.co.uk