For only £1,600 + VAT, get a new ‘ready to use’ AED and comprehensive training.
Offer includes:
- Ipad SP1 semi automatic defibrillator with 7 years’ warranty (RRP: £1,494)
- a four hour training course for up to eight employees (worth £450)
- two AED prep kits
- four year life lithium battery
- free carry case
Offer ends December 2016.
NB: There is a delivery charge of around £40. However, wherever possible, we will try to deliver the defibrillator ourselves to your premises to save you paying this cost.
Any organisation will benefit from having an automated external defibrillator (AED) available in the event of an employee or visitor suffering a cardiac arrest at work.
Modern AEDs are designed to be used by ‘good Samaritans’ but their efficacy is greatly increased when the operator is trained.
Cardiac arrest is when the heart stops pumping blood effectively around the body so the brain is starved of oxygen, resulting in brain damage and death if treatment is not carried out quickly and effectively.
A major cause of cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation (VF) which occurs when the electrical activity of the heart becomes so chaotic that the heart stops pumping and quivers or ‘fibrillates’ instead.
A defibrillator uses electricity to shock the heart out of this lethal rhythm and back to normal.
According to Mark Jinks, first aid training supervisor at MOHS, the chances of survival decreases by 14 per cent with every minute that passes without defibrillation.
“Research shows that applying a controlled shock within five minutes of collapse provides the best possible chance of survival.
“Placing an AED in strategic places around the workplace, especially in areas where it’s difficult for an ambulance to access quickly, could prove beneficial in saving an employee’s life,” he said.
Mark said: “The technology in modern defibrillators prevents misuse or a shock being delivered if it’s unnecessary. Some AEDs are even able to assess how strong the shock needs to be.
He added the cost of installing one or two AEDs in the workplace, coupled with sending a first aider on AED training course, would be a fraction of the cost of an employee off sick after a cardiac arrest or having to recruit should the affected employee sadly not recover.
For further details, please contact Michelle Nicholls on 0121 601 4041 /